Down the dungeon stairs and through some corridors. We stop in front of a bare stone wall...Your guide says: "Pure blood" and a hidden stone door slides open to reveal a tall archway. Welcome to the Slytherin common room! I hope you're all of wizarding families here today. These pages will contain mild to full spoilers and some mild curses in them. Make your way around at your own risk. These pages are all about the characters. I am going to vent my feelings of love or frustration about each one, just to warn you *grin* These are the ones we know (or have a pretty good idea of) were in Slytherin. Each house will also contain it's information on it. Enjoy your visit!
Slytherin Common Room |
 | Shrewd Slytherin, from fen,... And power-hungry Slytherin Loved those of great ambition. -Sorting Hat |
| Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. -Sorting Hat |
Founder | Salazar Slytherin |
Colors | Green and Silver |
Mascot | Snake |
Ghost | The Bloody Baron |
Head of House | Professor Snape |
- Draco Malfoy
-UGH. I seriously hate this little twerp. If he has some redeeming qualities, I can't see them. He is the biggest creepy whiner I've known. He is the typical bully, so I suppose he feels inadequate at home. That's certainly the poor me scenario most bullys use anyway. He surrounds himself with people that have bigger muscles than brains so that he can lord over them and everyone around smaller than his cronies. He practically drips jealousy every time he talks to or sneers at Harry. I expect that he was always the perfect son when he was smaller, but that his father recently raised the stakes, and he just isn't measuring up. He hardly had a chance of being accepting since his father is the bigot that he is, but Draco seems to take delight in predjudiced as well. It probably helps his inferiority complex. Plus abuse rolls downhill. I don't see him being physically abused at home (I'm sure his mother would intervene in that) But I certainly believe that Lucius is more than capable of mental abuse. After all, he openly sneers at Dumbledore and Harry when they meet. Small wonder he fit in with Voldemort.
- Vincent Crabbe
-An obvious bully and idiot. He's too stupid to think for himself, so he needs someone to tell him what to do. Malfoy supplies him with all sorts of ideas. I often wonder how he gets through classes and hasn't yet flunked out. See Goyle for more of my opinion.
- Gregory Goyle
-Another of Malfoy's puppets. See Crabbe for more of my opinion. How is he ambitious anyway? He doesn't seem to have any goals other than doing whatever Malfoy tells him to do.
- Marcus Flint
-What a cheater! He flunked his sixth year and had to do it over again. I can't help but wonder if this is common for Slytherins. But then again if they're the most ambitious of the four houses, it seems a little uncharacteristic for them to be flunking all sorts of things. We know he puts very little value to fair play. And if the movie is any indication, very little value on dental care. ICK!
- Pansy Parkinson
- -Hmmm....a slimy little weasel to date the slimy little ferret. She's like all the worst girls I've ever known! She's a stab you in the back kind of person, who doesn't hesitate to spread her opinion around over fact. Gossip queen. She thinks she's all that.
- Millicent Bulstrode
Slytherin Alumni
- Professor Severus Snape
-He is probably not as bad as I would like him to be. I loathe him, but it's probably a great deal of misjudgment. After all, he did save Harry in the first book. I dislike his bitterness and jealous mistreatment of Harry and Gryffindor as a whole not to mention the whole school, minus Slytherin of course. Dumbledore trusts him, and until we know why, we have to assume that Snape probably just made some bad choices whatever his motives (I subscribe to the LOLLIPOP theory myself it's the only thing that fully explains his deep loathing of Harry. I think that explanation in PA was just the icing on the cake), and has seen the errors of his ways. Maybe that is one reason he seems so out of sorts all the time. When you make a mistake it's hard to believe that everyone around you isn't judging you all the time, and it would be a hard way to get along in the world. I can't comfortably say he's evil, but I can say that he is being a major creep. He seems to be living in the past. One can't help wondering if he would be nicer and happier if he could get over whatever it was and try harder in the here and now.
- Lucius Malfoy
-See Draco for more elaboration. I think his is a family that has passed predjudice and bigotry down for generations. A spin off of the line of Salazar Slytherin. It's probably so deeply ingrained in their genes that they can hardly act any differently. But maybe that's a mean thing for me to say. Certainly Dumbledore would be more lenient. I often wonder about the relationship between Lucius Malfoy, and Snape. They probably would've been in school together, judging on the fact that Snape and James went together, and Draco and Harry are the same age. Then again he would've run into Snape during all their death-eater activities. Draco seems to really like Snape, or at least butter him up, and while this could be for his own ends (staying out of trouble at school or whatever), it probably is because his father approves of Snape. That casts doubt on whether or not he knows about Snape's (for lack of a better word,) relationship (I'm talking professional here) with Dumbledore. Makes you fear a little bit for Snape.
- Tom Riddle
-I think this is one of the most heartbreaking stories you could find. Dumbledore tells us that he was smart, and handsome. In fact one of the most talented students Hogwarts ever saw. You have to ask yourself what would push someone who seems to have everything over the edge, to go terribly wrong. The following is my theory. We know he harbored very deep ill feelings towards his Father for leaving his Mother when he found out she was a witch. His mother then died giving birth, and he ended up in an orphanage. Probably not a pleasant childhood. Probably lots of abuse. He learned how to hate at an early age, and harbored those feelings inside, nursing them whenever a new hurt added to his stash. It's understandable why he would thirst to prove himself then when he was given a new start and a fresh chance. He probably researched his parents, especially his mother's lineage when he was in school (something I've wondered why Harry has NEVER done on his father's side of course) and found out about Salazar Slytherin and his views on the world. I imagine that was he was really happy to find he had "noble" blood running in his veins, and it wouldn't take much to make him want to adopt the morals and values of his ancestor. Yet he still kept at least a facade of the perfect student, so he couldn't have been openly ridiculing people like Malfoy does. He kept his views secret to all but his closest friends, a sneakier method. Think how seductive the power and respect that stemmed from the dark arts were to him. No one would abuse him again. Revenge on everyone who ever had. Everyone bowing to him, and begging him for mercy instead of the other way around. He could be the one with the power now. It's not totally unplausible that he didn't mean for it to go that far until it happened. He probably rationalized that he would only go after those who "deserved" it. The people who had hurt him, and then others like them. But he sunk so deep in the dark arts, Dumbledore tells us, that he was virtually unrecognizable as the clever handsome head boy most people knew him as. His hatred fed his need for revenge until Slytherin's views became his own, and were even surpassed by him. He no longer recognized the difference between right and wrong, and he knew only "Power and those too weak to search for it" He became Lord Voldemort.
- Lord Voldemort a.k.a. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. You-Know-Who
- -See above under Tom Riddle for more. Lord Voldemort is the embodiment of evil, bigotry, hatred, and all that is wrong with the world.