Welcome to the Hufflepuff common room! These pages will contain mild to full spoilers in them. Please feel free to make your way around. These pages are all about the characters. I am going to vent my feelings of love or frustration about each one, just to warn you *grin* These are the ones we know (or have a pretty good idea of) were in Hufflepuff. Each house will also contain it's information on it. Enjoy your visit!
Hufflepuff Common Room |
 | Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,... For Hufflepuff, hard workers were Most worthy of admission; -Sorting Hat |
| You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; -Sorting Hat |
Founder | Helga Hufflepuff |
Colors | Canary Yellow and Black |
Mascot | Badger |
Ghost | The Fat Friar |
Head of House | Professor Sprout |
- Cedric Diggory
- -He was hard for me to like for some reason. Maybe it's just my own feelings coming through, but he seemed to me to be very much like I imagined Tom Riddle at school. The model student, almost perfect, very talented, and handsome. (Though I never thought he was into the dark arts at all. He has too noble a character for that) I guess he just seemed too perfect to me. Then his dad really bugged me going off about him beating Harry. So maybe I just projected those feelings on him, I'm not sure. But Harry not really liking him didn't help. Then he stole Harry's girl! But that's a different topic. I think this is another case of a character searching for their parent's approval, only this time, he was succeeding. I sometimes wish we could've gotten to know him a little better before the tournament so we could've seen him before he was shown as the perfect hero/jock type. His nicer qualities would be more visible then. At any rate, he still didn't deserve to die. I have to be totally honest and admit that I was shocked when he died, but a little relieved it was him and not another character(s) that I'd been dreading it would be. If I hadn't known beforehand that someone was going to die, I think it would've hit me a little harder. I did cry when Harry did. Does that redeem me?
Hufflepuff Alumni
- Professor Sprout
-She seems to be a big optimist. It's nice to have these cheerful people around when you're feeling stressed out. She has a very big heart as we see when she doctors the Whomping Willow despite getting personally injured. She very kindly cares for all the plants in her greenhouses, and only gently smacks the venemous tentacula when it tries to use her for teething. She seems very open hearted and kind. We don't see her when Cedric dies, but she spends time with his parents, since she knew him best.