"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" Welcome to Hogwarts! These pages will contain mild to full spoilers in them. Please feel free to make your way around, but remember that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death. These pages are all about the characters. I am going to vent my feelings of love or frustration about each one, just to warn you *grin* They are divided into their present or former houses. The characters that we don't know (or have a pretty good idea of) which house they were in, I've listed on this page. Each house will also contain it's information on it. Mr. Filch asks me to remind you that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors, and the list of objects forbidden inside the castle which comprises some four hundred and thrity-seven items, I believe, can be viewed in his office, if anybody would like to check it. Enjoy your visit!
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry |
 | Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Never tickle a sleeping dragon |
A thousand years or more ago, When I was newly sewn, There lived four wizards of renown, Whose names are still well known They shared a wish, a hope, a dream, They hatched a daring plan To educate young sorcerers Thus Hogwarts School began. -Sorting Hat |  |
School Song | Hogwarts, Hogwars, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald Or young with scabby knees, Our heads could do with filling With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff, So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, And learn until our brains all rot. |
School Houses |
 | Ravenclaw
 | Hufflepuff
Click on an entrance to go to the common room! |
Hogwarts Staff
- Headmaster/Professor Albus Dumbledore
- -See Gryffindor page. He is the headmaster for Hogwarts.
- Professor Minerva McGonagall
- -See Gryffindor page. She is the deputy headmistress. She also teaches Transfiguration, and is the head of Gryffindor house.
- Professor Severus Snape
- -See Slytherin page. He teaches Potions and is the head of Slytherin house.
- Professor Filius Flitwick
- -See Ravenclaw page. He is the Charms teacher, and head of Ravenclaw house.
- Professor Sprout
- -See Hufflepuff page. She teaches Herbology and is the head of Hufflepuff house.
- Professor Rubeus Hagrid
- -See Gryffindor page. He is keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts. He also took over teaching the Care of Magical Creatures class when Professor retired.
- Professor Quirrell
-We don't know which house he was in or even if he indeed attended Hogwarts. However, he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) teacher Harry's first year. I mostly feel sorry for him. He is a classic case of brainwashing. Someone who didn't really have very strong convictions, that was indoctrinated with someone else's agenda. Of course, he really got taken over, so maybe it goes a little beyond brainwashing.
- Gilderoy Lockhart
-He was the DADA teacher Harry's second year. He's also an famous author of many books in the wizarding world, and a self proclaimed expert in his field. What can size up him better than pompous arrogant liar? He is so full of himself he can't even tell that everyone sees through his act. Talk about someone with an inferiority complex. He's probably the most stereotypical character in the series thus far, but he is a source of amusment (however frustratingly he does it). You just want to smack him HARD. It's pretty funny that he meets his own tricks in the end though isn't it?
- Professor Remus Lupin
- -See Gryffindor page. He was the DADA teacher Harry's third year.
- Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
- -He was supposed to be the DADA teacher Harry's fourth year. Well, at first I thought Moody was creepy, then cool, then I realized I didn't know the real Moody at all. The only time we see him (with dialouge or descriptors) is when Harry is looking into Dumbledore's pensieve. And we must realize that however open-minded and truthful Dumbledore is, this is HIS version of Moody. So, I have to say that we never actually have met the real Moody yet, and must go on the fact that we will someday, and until then, Crouch's version and Dumbledore's version must hit somewhere close to the truth.
- Professor Binns
- -He is the only ghost teacher at Hogwarts. He teaches History of Magic. Kind of ironic isn't it? He probably lived through half the stuff he's teaching. He's easily the most boring teacher Hogwarts has ever seen, what with all the passion of life, hatred, and drama everyone else is into.
- Professor Sybill Trelawney
- -She really seems to be a fraud to me. She probably has only ever correctly predicted things twice in her whole life! She surrounds herself with that air of mystery, and perfume that seem to accompany most new-age enthusiasts. Her theories may be correct, but it seems to me that she makes up an awful lot just to keep her stories believable. Insecure maybe?
Other Charecters
- Cornelius Fudge (Minister of Magic)
- -He is largely a source of amusement in the early books. It's obvious that he isn't really suited for the job, and that he struggles with it. In fact the very definition of fudge (one of them anyway) is to work unskillfully or at a disadvantage, to bungle, to botch. Everyone believes that Dumbledore is the better wizard. Even if (as I believe) its true, Fudge still has a chance, but it looks as though he's blowing it by refusing to believe the facts. He's so paranoid of looking an idiot or making a mistake, he's making a Huge error. I largely feel sorry for him and hope he pulls his act together.
- Bartemius Crouch (Sr.)
- -Here is an obvious case of over-compensation. I largely feel sorry for this character, because he was basically on the right side. He just got a little over-zealous. He was doing things for the wrong reasons. He got a little paranoid and let that take over his life. It makes me wonder if he didn't dabble a little in the dark arts and scare himself. He was so scared of being connected to them, it seems a bit suspicious. At any rate he lost everything before it was over. His family, his career, his secrets, and finally his life.
- Bartemius Crouch (Jr.)
- -It seems that Barty jr probably thirsted to get recognition from his father. It probably didn't happen. His dad was so wrapped up in his work that he had to look elsewhere for approval. Too bad his mother's approval wasn't enough for him. She must've loved him very much to participate in the ruse that gave him freedom, and her death. Maybe her health was already failing, and she was too wrapped up in that until it was too late. Then too, she seemed to be totally subservient to her husband, and she probably didn't ever cross him. Yet, it doesn't seem that bonding with their son would be crossing the line unless he was scared of her mothering him. My theory is that he accidentally fell in with the bad crowd and quickly learned to gain his approval there. He could excel at what they wanted, and he probably was a pretty good spy since his father was in charge of the "other side" He must've hip-hopped to the top fast enough to make his head spin. When he got caught, he finally realized what he'd been involved in and that is why he adamantly denied it. That and the fact that he still deep down wanted his father's approval. Maybe he'd planned on turning in his co-conspirators to his father to gain it. At any rate Azkaban clearly took it's toll on his mind. Whether or not he'd meant to deeply engage in the dark arts and adopt that belief system, he was reminded of the things he'd done everyday. It would almost be a defense mechanism to go over to that viewpoint. If he turned his beliefs about what was right and wrong around, suddenly his father would be in the wrong, and he would be an innocent victim. That would've been a source of comfort to him both in Azkaban and later when he was under the Imperius Curse. You almost have to admire his pure cold-blooded actions (admit it, we loved him when he was Moody) to know that he was living a lie for over a year, and right under Dumbledore's nose too. He It was pretty clear at the end of GF that his mind had snapped. He lived to serve, and his wildest dreams were all being fulfilled.
- Viktor Krum - Durmstrang student
- -Here again, I didn't really like this character. He smacked of a Snape complex to me. (meaning his attitude) But I did get to liking him a little better by the time GF came to a close. He is trying to make it through a high profile life doing the one thing he feels he can do well. Yet, as talented as he is in the air, his talents elsewhere are sadly lacking. I suspect he has a lot of people fawning over him wherever he goes, and that feeling of insincerity has got to take it's toll. I feel bad for him liking Hermione, because he is so much older than she is. She won't be as serious about anything as he would, and while the age difference might not be as bad when they're older, since they're dating now, it is never going to work out.
- Fleur Delacour - Beauxbatons student
- -She and I probably wouldn't get along. She's one of my least favortie characters because of that. She strikes me as being very stuck up. She obviously thinks very little of those younger than her. And she acts like a spoiled brat, pouting when she doesn't get her way, with everything catered to her on a silver platter. Despite that, she does have some redeeming qualities. She has a deep love for her family, and she does possess gratitude which she showers on Harry after he saves Gabrielle. Admittedly, she is much nicer towards him after that. My guess is that she's used her looks to get her through life, because she couldn't even defeat the Grindywalds during the second task, and all the kids in Harry's year could do it, even though she looked down on them as "little". She might not've had a lot of practicle experience in the DADA subject though. It just seems as though she uses her natural ability to charm to get her through.
- Ludo Bagman
- -He reminds me of what Fred and George probably will become. (Hopefully they'll turn out a little more honest, but you never know). Getting by on a joke and his talent from days gone by. He had a few great years, and now he's struggling through with the remainder of his life. It's not a nice thought, and it's certainly not an easy task for him. He's enthusiastical enough about his work, but the administration part escapes him I think. My hypothesis on his gambling habit is that he knows he's not doing a very good job, and he's trying to get rich quick, so he can regain some of the glamour and smooth sailing of his old beater days. Mid-life crisis? Not really, wishful thinking is more likely.
- Rita Skeeter
- -UGH! That pretty much sums up how I feel about her! She's one of those manipulative people who twist everything everyone says to make their story interesting, or go the way they want it to. She has no shame, and doesn't even bat an eye when Dumbledore compliments her on the lies she wrote about him. She's lucky Hermione caught her in that jar, because I honestly would have squished her flat!