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Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsThe second book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has a darker overall tone than the first book. It's more of a murder mystery, and although people die in the first book, and not the second, the second one brings the danger more to the reader's attention. It has all the feeling of a murder mystery. Synopsis As we continue on it looks as if Harry might not make it to school after all. The Dursley's have locked him in his room and threatned to never let him out, while practically starving him. Luckily, the Weasley's rescue Harry, so we get to go to The Burrow, (the Weasley's house) and find out more about the magical world. Harry is thrust into much more dangerous and frightening situations this year than he was last. Among them, an evil shop down a dark alley, a giant spider's lair, a huge snake, or basilisk, and the mistrust of his classmates making unfounded accusations against him. If you don't wish to run into spoilers, then, I suggest you stop here and go on to a different page. My ranking and favoritesOK, this was my favorite of the books until four came out. Why? It's such an intriguing storyline! It shows Harry at some of his best, courage, loyalty, innocence, and determination to do what's right. Plus Lockhart is always good for a laugh (even if you do want to strangle him at the same time!).
Above are the differing illustrations of Harry from the second book covers. I was pretty dissatisfied with all of them. Daniel Radcliffe comes the closest to my idea of what Harry looked like, so I added him in. Mistakes in book 1
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